Celebrating Women

Celebrating Amber!

Celebrating Amber! (Interview #22)

Amber creates experiences.

She helps hard working people finally get the getaway that they have always dreamed of and never thought possible!

When asked “when you were younger, what did you want to “be”or “do” when you grew up?” Amber shared, “That I never knew. Nothing ever seemed to stay with me. What I did want to do was make a difference in someone’s life. If it was just 1 person, then I changed someone’s world.”

Using 3 words to describe her life so far, Amber chose; hard, struggle, hopeful.

To inspire other women & girls, Amber leaves us with these thoughts, “Never give up. If you never try, it will just go into a list of regrets. Be who you are. Surround yourself with positive people. And work hard for what you want. If you don’t, no one else will.”

We’re hopeful too, Amber!



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